Living and Working Remotely with Ethos Remote Habitat

Janko Milunovic
2 min readJul 23, 2020

When a few months ago I published an article on Medium addressing the ongoing crisis, I was guided by the quote from John Wooden — “Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

Being blessed with a privilege to be fit to work, me and my team decided not to sit and contemplate on things that are out of our control but stay true to our purpose.

We are a mission-driven company set to impact the world by enabling visionary people to travel and connect while promoting a conscious way of life and raising self-awareness.

Running our regular hotel business Ethos was not possible but what was possible (and much needed!) is to help people to leave the poisonous cities to live a family-style life, working from stunning places in nature.

And we did it. Under the name Ethos Remote Habitat (ERH), we organized communal living in nature for visionaries and creators.

We have put everything we had into it and made ERH a tremendous success. Our MVP in Maine has achieved and exceeded all our expectations (and set business goals). But what is most important to us is that we have positively impacted and changed people’s lives during one of the most difficult times in history.

Today I am proud to announce that Ethos Remote Habitat is opening its second location for individuals in a mesmerizing beach location in Tulum.

This is just a first in many locations to come as we have onboarded many stunning properties to offer to companies with a distributed workforce that want to set up their own campuses to send their remote workers to live-work and rejuvenate in nature.

Our dream is to help people to break free from isolation and mental struggles and to enjoy lovingly crafted programming focused on the wellness of the body, mind, and soul.

Because this is the future of work - !

Health, love, and happiness.




Janko Milunovic

Creator. Unconventional and rebellious about life. Drawn to leading-edge, out-of-the-box solutions related to expanded consciousness and awakening.