If Your Company Is Still Alive You Have Freedom To Choose: Thriving or Surviving

Janko Milunovic
4 min readApr 23, 2020

What we until a few weeks ago thought of as ‘reality’ seems to be fading away and transforming at a scary pace and in ways that we never thought are possible.

“Despite the evident challenges, we see this moment in history as a special gift. We are being presented with the privilege to carry each other, our community, and society forward into the next step of human evolution. That is our collective mission but it is up to each one of us, as individuals, to choose if we want to be a part of it or not. That is the gift of this moment. That is the opportunity that the universe is laying before us.” — Carlos Cruz

My startup and I were lucky enough not to get severely affected by the crises and so we decided to see this situation as a special opportunity to make a difference and help our community.

When the crisis subsides, we are gifted with a chance to reimagine, rebuild, and create a new ‘reality’. With everything that is going on, one starts wondering, and most of us have probably already asked ourselves the question “If I am not living my dreams — what am I doing?”.

“Don’t let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” — John Wooden

Amongst all the fear and confusion, at Ethos, our mission did not change — our way of service to the community of creators is to inspire and bring people together. To help you, and everyone who shares the same mission to bring a positive change to this beautiful planet, to fulfill that mission and create a transformation that is more conscious and more generous for all beings. Change that is rooted in the wisdom of the soul and heart, rather than the entrapments of yesterday’s broken society.

To that end, we have created Ethos Remote Habitat — a family-style quarantine living to battle isolation and create experiences that people carry with them long after they return home.

“In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.”

For the first time ever, almost every founder, creator, and business owner does not need to be at their office, close to their teams, partners, stakeholders, and customers.

This is a unique chance to live, work, and run your business away from the concrete city jungles and tiny apartments. To connect with and live in stunning nature. To recharge, inspire, and treat yourself with a life-changing experience rather than surrendering to the status quo.

“Founders aren’t born but made, first by the hurt the world gives them and then by their lifelong fight to forge that hurt into something beautiful and strong.”

During this time of social distancing and isolation, it has never been more apparent how vital family living is to our personal, professional, and emotional well-being.

If you already have the privilege of income or funding for your business to run during the COVID-19 crisis then it's entirely your choice of the environment in which you want to be — you chose the mode: thrive or survive.

Keeping a sane mind and choosing caution instead of fear, brought us to renting a wonderful place in nature and setting up quarantine family-style living with a group of amazing people, eating nourishing food, working every day on our mind, body, and soul — growing and performing. And — this has proven to indeed be a life-changing decision!

Now, we want to share this with you and enable you to ‘chose’ to (temporarily) live out of astonishing places in nature, in an inspiring community of today’s brightest creators.

In response to COVID-19, we created Ethos Remote Habitat by handpicking beautiful properties to create a home away from home experience for you in a secluded, safe, and fully serviced space with a group of 15-20 selected individuals, for a period of 1–3 months.

For the first property, we’ve partnered with an incredibly beautiful hotel built in the jungle, with a private beach, private living and workspaces, mind and body wellness programming, educational and social events, and locally sourced food — all included in the package.

‘The biggest regrets are not for the things we have done, but for the things, we haven’t done.’

The ongoing crisis is showing us that when humanity is united in a common cause, phenomenally rapid change is possible. It makes us wonder — what else might we achieve if we shelter in together?

More than anything else, we at Ethos are here to provide you with a setting to assist you in achieving the highest version of yourself and exploring what type of a new world shall we create together?

“A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.” — Lao Tzu

For the Ethos Remote Habitat, we’ve built out the pricing to simply cover the cost of the lodging, food, and programming overhead, as opposed to making a profit. By making this happen, together we are of service to the local community and businesses to keep them alive in this market downturn.

Let your consciousness expand, let it open up, let it dream, let it create, let it grow, and thrive.

With love.




Janko Milunovic

Creator. Unconventional and rebellious about life. Drawn to leading-edge, out-of-the-box solutions related to expanded consciousness and awakening.