Authenticity. Love. Life. Living. Dying. Fear. Faith. Freedom.

Janko Milunovic
2 min readAug 12, 2021


Authentic self or who we are at our deepest core.

Who we are beyond what we do for a living, what possessions we own, or who we are to someone (mom, brother, girlfriend, boss, friend, neighbor, colleague).

Who we are beyond social constructs, societal rules, peer pressure, society-imposed norms and agreements, the government imposed restrains.

In today’s world, we are lacking more of that authentic self. More of being true to ourselves through our thoughts, words, and actions, and having these three areas aligned.

Being more in the heart space, expressing from the soul, living from the heart. Living and expressing your true nature.

Living freely. Living without fear. Living with faith. Living with love and compassion. Living with joy. Living your dreams. Living in the now. Just living.

Loving yourself. Loving the life. Loving freely. Loving unconditionally. Loving deeply. Loving without fear. Loving with faith.

Expressing love. Receiving love. Dancing with love. Cooking with love. Texting with love. Mumbling with love. Saying with love. Saying I Love you. Saying I love myself. Loving always, all the time. Loving now. Just loving.

Not thinking or overthinking. Not analyzing. Not investigating. Not consulting. Not assessing. Not calculating. Not processing. Not researching. Not pondering. Not waiting. Not fearing. Not having doubt. Not lacking trust.

But feeling. Feeling your soul. Feeling your heart. Hearing your gut. Trusting your intuition.

Acting from your heart in alignment with your true self — in harmony with your soul.

This life is authentic, short and we don’t know how much more time we have left to live….

…but we still somehow ignore this and go on living life to please others (and their ideas of what life is, of who we are or should be) — following what was imposed on us: chasing a job, career, title, recognition, acceptance, power, material pleasure. Following this ‘process’ = not loving ourselves. Not being ourselves. Not being authentic self. Not meeting the self. Not knowing who we are….and never finding it out.

We end up setting goals, noting down the ‘dreams’, working, investing, hustling, sacrificing, manifesting….all of our lives we are chasing peer, society, and mind fabricated dream(s).

In the end, we die.

Wealthy or not, but certainly without ever truly learning who we are.

Never truly living who we are.

Never truly opening our heart(s).

Never truly following our soul.

Not being our authentic self is the highest price we can pay because it will costs us an entire life.

Recognize your true self. Say to yourself “I love myself”. Rinse and repeat as many times as you can. It begins with that…

Authentically with love,


Heart sign.



Janko Milunovic

Creator. Unconventional and rebellious about life. Drawn to leading-edge, out-of-the-box solutions related to expanded consciousness and awakening.